In 2020 two researchers associated with our journal received important international distinctions.
In January 2020, Jan Golinski from the University of New Hampshire (Durham, Great Britain; cf. his website), and an advisory editor of our journal, became the president of the History of Science Society for the 2020–2021 term (cf. HSS newsletter of January 2020).
On 25 August 2020, Karine Chemla from CNRS UMR SPHERE 7219 (Paris, France; cf. her website), and a member of the Scientific Council of our journal, received the 2020 Otto Neugebauer Prize offered by Springer Verlag. “The prize is awarded every four years by the European Mathematical Society for highly original and influential work in the field of history of mathematics that enhances our understanding of either the development of mathematics or a particular mathematical subject in any period and in any geographical region” (cf. The Otto Neugebauer Prize; ESHS News).
We would like to congratulate these researchers and wish them continued professional success.