Studia Historiae Scientiarum at social media.

Dear Social Media Users,

We live in the times of one global electronic village. Science is also part of it.

This is indeed why our journal – Studia Historiae Scientiarum – is already present in various indexing databases of journals and directories of journals, e.g. Scopus, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), European Reference Index for the Humanities Plus (ERIH+), Index Copernicus International, SherpaRomeo.

For the same reason, we are now creating our own blog and associated social media profiles (Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Mendeley, etc.).

Our journal is a peer-reviewed diamond open access journal (i.e. free of fees for both authors and readers).
It is dedicated to the study of the history of science and a critical reflection in the field of integrated science of science (including bibliometry).

It is associated with the Commission on the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, published by the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and distributed electronically, among others, by the Scientific Journals Portal of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland.

We hope to encourage a form of creative exchange with you, the social media users. Comment our posts, send in your own ideas and submit your texts to our peer-reviewed journal!

A full description of the journal and the already published articles can be found on the official website.

Should you wish to collaborate with us, you will also find there more details on, among others, the thematic scope of the journal, the principles of article submission and peer-review procedures as well as the principles of publishing ethics and the methods to prevent misinterpretations of bibliometry.

We are looking forward to our creative interaction!

Yours faithfully,
Michał Kokowski
Editor-in-Chief of Studia Historiae Scientiarum