The 19th century was a groundbreaking period in the history of Polish medical terminology. It was then that the most important dictionary, Słownik terminologii lekarskiej polskiej [Dictionary of Polish Medical Terminology], was published in Kraków in 1881 as a result of numerous discussions, mainly within the medical community. Although its terminology represents the Kraków school, the influence of other Polish scientific centers is also evident, because at the final stage of preparing the lexicon the Kraków dictionary authors consulted with medical doctors from Warsaw, Poznań and Lviv. The material in this translation dictionary is diverse and often crosses the boundaries of medicine of the time. It is a rich source for a Polish language historian to study not only the state of Polish medical terminology of the 19th century, e.g. the number and origin of terms, or the terminology which was then arranged and supplemented in an organized and deliberate manner, but also its characteristic phenomena, e.g. synonymy and polysemy, against the background of other periods in the history of Polish medical terminology. The aim of the article is not only to report on the state of historical linguistic research to date, but also to show the opportunities that this research offers for next researchers of the Polish language
Dictionary of Polish Medical Terminology of 1881 as a Research Subject of a Polish Language Historian
Polish language history, Polish medical terminology of the 19th century, Słownik terminologii lekarskiej polskiej [Dictionary of Polish Medical Terminology]
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