The article presents: a) updating the rules for evaluating journals in the evaluation model developed in the Pracownia Naukoznawstwa IHN PAN (Science Studies and Science-of-Science Unit of the Institute for History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences), b) scoring journals in the history of science according to the lists of journals of the MNiSW (2017), MEiN (2021), MEiN (2023), PN IHN PAN (2022) and PN IHN PAN (2023), c) comparison of the scoring of journals in history and history of science in the lists of journals: ministerial and PN IHN PAN, as well as Scopus, DOAJ, Index Copernicus International, PKP Preservation Network and Keepers Register.
The conclusion of the article is an open appeal to the Minister of Education and Science to award, in the next update of the ministerial list of journals, 200 points to the journal “Studia Historiae Scientiarum” and 140 to the journal “Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki”, because these journals, devoted to the history of science, are not inferior in terms of achievements to Polish historical journals, which have already obtained 200 and 140 points by the decision of the Minister of Education and Science of July 17, 2023.